United Stand

The Gang
Chuang Xue En (Ring Leader)
Samuel JubiLee
Koh Zhong En
Jessamin Sing
Faith Ong
Madelia Thia
Jess Cheong
Bryan Lee
Natasha Lim
Kenan Neo
Kenzo Chong
Grace Aw
Woon Mayyin
Micheal Lopez
Trudy Tan
Lionel Wong

Ages Ranging From 13-18
Cell Name Suggestions
-Super Sam's Cell
-Sam's Gang
-The Gang



July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008

Our Family

Our RulesY

-No Vulgarities
-Respect Everyone
-Come Late At Own Risk


Our Tongues

Friday, November 30, 2007

HELLO ITS ME. here to post a short one. hope all you guys are having fantastic holidays cos its already going to be december. and before you know it, another year has arrived! haha. so make good use of time and come for church regularly!(: anyway: xueen and zhongen are dearly missed so please come back the both of you! for last sat, hope yall had a short nice time at macs! I strongly BELIEVE yall did.
yeah take care and see yall tmr!

xueen's cell at 10:56 PM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

hey guys,

PSLE results tmr, whatever the outcome may be, i hope that it was equivilant to whatever amount 
you have put in. If you have done well, good for you, get yourself into a good school and do well in your next major exam. Looking back now, psle is not going to play much of a role in ur future. When you go for a job interview, no one is going to ask you for ur psle cert (unless of course that is your highest qualifications, which is sad). Rather psle is more of a stepping stone into the next part. I guess it is impt to get good psle results to get into a good school, which more often than not, has a "better learning environment".

If you have less than desired results, well tough luck. If you have put in little to no effort, dont expect results. It really takes alot of hard work to produce results. I think its more of a dilligence rather than intelligence. Dilligence and Responsibility, is what my
P6 teacher used to tell me. But even so, dont worry, it is not the end of the world for you as i said earlier. Just put your mind to it in the next 4 secondary years, and own it.

Lastly, choosing of schools. As much as it is hard to leave your friends, please dont choose your schools based on them. The friends you make now dont usually last the longest, so its not worth it throwing aside your future for it. I know it sucks, but hey, we've gotta deal with it.

Ok, am i rambling? bye bye


xueen's cell at 8:16 PM


Nah.It's okay!=P Makes me happy!Well guys and girls.Uncles and Aunties.I,shall inform you that our cell,is getting emptier.=( Everyone has detention to serve(Jessamin) Holidays and Missionary Trips(Trudy,Bryan,Xueen)Scouts camp(Zhongen)Shopping(JESSAMIN)hahaha

I think according to CERTAIN people;Jialing and I are two of the naughtiest ones in cell?Hmm??FINE.Then,why is it,that the two of us are present in almost all the cell meetings?!HMMM??Fine.

Oh yes.People.People.Gather and Listen.This is REAL REAL REALLY REAL important hehs?We're gonna have a cell outing soon!Yeah!Smile!One for the whole cell,one for everyone except xueen and jessamin!One for just the kids!I would kindly love to sponsor my house for the kids one.Movie Marathon is the idea we are having now!xD

hmmz.hmms.Okay.Now.Time for pleasant news flash.Tomorrow is the PSLE results!HAHAHHA.Okay.Dont be selfish now.I mean it.I know you'reall going to pray hard hard hard hard hard tonight.So,please dont be so self-scented,pray for everybody y'know too.Even if its your ex or your ex bestfriend.Whatever.Pray!

I'm kinda stupid see.I dont even know when or where we have to collect our results.I only know sometimes after noon.Feel free to text mua your PSLE results.(FYI I can be competetive and KPO when it comes to results)96496368-me number =D

Expect the cell leaders to pray for us.They're there all right!They even sent us letters of encouragement the day before our PSLE!hahahah.so.Please.When it comes to the Os results,pray ah!Must ah!

yeah.So.Those who dont get what they were hoping for.Dont give up kae?We've got comforting shoulders and Listening Ears.Sam and Zhongen are free.The girls..mmhmm...I dont mind helping out too!xD

Remember to 100% keep that smile on your face and keep that frown off your face.If you wanna cry.Just cry.It helps.=D I promise!GOD BE WITH YOU!

Little reminders:

God –noun
1.the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe.

we need to defend our beliefs with our actions instead of trying to tell others how wrong their "religion" is. when we start raising people from the dead and actually do what Jesus sets an example for us to do, there will be less confusion and arguing debate about whos god is God; wouldn't you agree?

Understooded(Bad english.DO NOT USE IT IN EXAMS-I did though-.-'')

So.If one of us-christian- goes up to a buddhist and tell him that he shouldnt believe in buddha without a reason,its like insulting them and they would get offended and not want to listen to any of your words.

On the other hand,if the christian goes up to this buddhist and tell him about our God,how safe we feel.How happy we are.That we know there's always someone watching for us and above us that we know God will forever help us out of trouble and stuff.Well,that'll be much better.Then,we could safely add in"And thats why,our God is really THE GOD.Think about it."Yeah.That'll be GREAT.

The best way,i feel,is to tell them all about our God.The way they heal,raise dead people-perform miracles-and then telling them about the eternal life thing and all.About God sacrificing his one and only son to save us.That he loves us for eternity.And that if they believe too,they would be saved as well.But,we've got to believe what we're saying,show them.prat with them.Hahah.And do what I do all the time.Lend them or get them the movie "Passion Of The Christ"Works for my non christian friends.xD

And of course,remember to invite them to COOS!!!!

xueen's cell at 4:49 PM